To submit a manuscript for consideration:

If you have a completed work that you wish to have published, please submit it in electronic form (we accept all formats) via email attachment. We do NOT accept printed mail submissions. We strive to respond to aspiring authors quickly, and we will acknowledge receipt of your submission within 24 hours.

Please note that we consider high-quality, finished works only. If we wish to discuss publication of your manuscript, you will be contacted directly. We may accept your work immediately for consideration, reject your work outright, or suggest modifications to your manuscript for publication consideration.

The Basics:

If we choose your title for publication, the following applies:

You will retain the rights to your work.

Professional proofreaders, editors, and designers will adjust, enhance, and/or modify your work subject to your approval.

Random Scholastic Press will distribute your work via its global network in both print and electronic form.

You will be paid royalties monthly based on verified sales. We pay the highest royalty percentages in the industry.




Random Scholastic Press, 4206A Bell Blvd, Bayside, NY 11361 516-874-4300 randomscholasticpress@gmail.com